NP in English Rostechnadzor Guidelines Norms Rules Standards (PDF)

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NP standards in English, Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use, Orders of the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service,
Ordinances of Gosatomnadzor of Russia, regulatory documents of Rostechnadzor in English
НП стандарты на английском языке, федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии, приказы Федеральной службы по экологическому,
технологическому и атомному надзору, постановления Госатомнадзора России, нормативные документы Ростехнадзора в области использования атомной
энергии на английском языке
NP 001-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Plants'
NP 002-04 in English - Rules for the Safe Management of Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Power Plants
NP 002-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Rules for the Safe Management of Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Power Plants'
NP 003-97 in English - Requirements to Full-Scope Simulators for Training of NPP Control Room Operators
NP 004-08 in English - Provision on the Procedure of Investigation and Accounting of Operational Occurrences at Nuclear Power Plants
NP 005-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Provision for the Procedure of Announcement of Emergency, Prompt Information
Communication and Arrangement for Emergency Assistance to Nuclear Power Plants in Case of Radiation-Hazardous Situations'
NP 005-98 in English - Provision for the Procedure of Announcement of Emergency, Prompt Information Communication and Arrangement for Emergency Assistance to
Nuclear Power Plants in Case of Radiation-Hazardous Situations
NP 006-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirements to the Contents of Safety Analysis Report for a Nuclear Power Plant with
VVER-type Reactor'
NP 006-98 in English - Requirements to the Contents of Safety Analysis Report for a Nuclear Power Plant with VVER-type Reactor
NP 007-17 in English - Rules on Safety Ensuring During Industry Reactors Decommissioning
NP 007-98 in English - Rules on Safety Ensuring During Industry Reactors Decommissioning
NP 008-04 in English - Nuclear Safety Rules of Critical Test Facilities
NP 008-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Nuclear Safety Rules of Critical Test Facilities'
NP 008-98 in English - Nuclear Safety Rules of Critical Test Facilities
NP 009-04 in English - Nuclear Safety Rules of Research Reactors
NP 009-17 in English - Nuclear Safety Rules of Research Reactors
NP 009-98 in English - Nuclear Safety Rules of Research Reactors

NP 010-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Rules of Design and Operation of NPP Confinement Safety Systems'
NP 010-98 in English - Rules of Design and Operation of NPP Confinement Safety Systems
NP 011-99 in English - Requirements on Quality Assurance Program for Nuclear Power Plants
NP 012-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Safety Rules for Decommissioning of NPP Power Unit'
NP 012-99 in English - Safety Rules for Decommissioning of NPP Power Unit
NP 013-99 in English - Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities. Safety Requirements
NP 014-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Rules for Investigation and Accounting of Violations at Operation and Decommissioning
of Radiation Sources, Storage Facilities for Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Waste and at Management of Radioactive Substances and Radioactive Waste'
NP 014-2000 in English - Rules for Investigation and Accounting of Violations at Handling with Radiation Sources and Radioactive Substances Applicable in National Economy
NP 015-12 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Standard Content of Action Plans for Personnel Protection in the Event of Accident at a
Nuclear Power Plant'
NP 015-2000 in English - Standard Content of Action Plans for Personnel Protection in the Event of Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant
NP 016-05 in English - General Safety Provisions for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities (OPB OYaTTs)
NP 016-2000 in English - General Safety Provisions for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities (OPB OYaTTs)
NP 017-2000 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Basic Requirements for NPP Unit Life-time Extension'
NP 018-05 in English - Requirements for the Contents of Safety Analysis Report for NPPs with Fast Neutron Reactors
NP 018-2000 in English - Requirements for the Contents of Safety Analysis Report for NPPs with Fast Neutron Reactors
NP 019-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Collection, Processing, Storage and Conditioning of Liquid Radioactive Waste. Safety
NP 019-2000 in English - Collection, Processing, Storage and Conditioning of Liquid Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements
NP 020-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Collection, Processing, Storage and Conditioning of Solid Radioactive Waste. Safety
NP 020-2000 in English - Collection, Processing, Storage and Conditioning of Solid Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements
NP 021-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Management with Gaseous Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements'

NP 021-2000 in English - Management with Gaseous Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements
NP 022-17 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Installations of Ships and other Vessels'
NP 022-2000 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Power Installations of Ships'
NP 023-2000 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirements for Safety Analysis Report of Nuclear Power Installations of Ships'
NP 024-2000 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirements to Justification of the Possibility to Extend Design Life-time of Nuclear
NP 025-2000 in English - Requirements to organization of balance zones of nuclear materials at nuclear plants and points of storage of nuclear materials
NP 026-04 in English - Requirements to the Control Systems Important for Nuclear Power Plants Safety
NP 026-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirements to the Control Systems Important for Nuclear Power Plants Safety'
NP 027-01 in English - Provision on the Procedure of Investigation and Accounting of Operational Occurrences at Nuclear Research Installations
NP 027-10 in English - Provision on the Procedure of Investigation and Accounting of Operational Occurrences at Nuclear Research Installations
NP 028-01 in English - Safety Rules for Nuclear Research Installations Decommissioning
NP 028-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Safety Rules for Nuclear Research Installations Decommissioning'
NP 029-01 in English - Nuclear Safety Rules for Nuclear Power Installations of Ships
NP 029-17 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Nuclear Safety Rules for Nuclear Power Installations of Ships and other Vessels'
NP 030-01 in English - Basic Rules on Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials
NP 030-05 in English - Basic Rules on Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials
NP 030-12 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Basic Rules on Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials'
NP 031-01 in English - Design Standards for Aseismic Nuclear Power Plants
NP 032-01 in English - Nuclear Power Plant Siting. Basic Safety Criteria and Requirements
NP 032-16 in English - Nuclear Power Plant Siting. Basic Safety Criteria and Requirements
NP 033-01 in English - General Safety Provisions of Nuclear Research Installations
NP 033-11 in English - General Safety Provisions of Nuclear Research Installations

NP 034-01 in English - Rules of Physical Protection of Radioactive Substances, Radiation Sources and Storage Facilities
NP 034-15 in English - Rules of Physical Protection of Radioactive Substances, Radiation Sources and Storage Facilities
NP 035-02 in English - ‘Dry’ Storage Facilities for Spent Nuclear Fuel. Safety Requirements
NP 036-05 in English - Rules of Design and Operation of Ventilation Systems Important for Nuclear Power Plant Safety
NP 037-02 in English - Rules on Safety Ensuring During Decommissioning of Ships and other Vessels with Nuclear Installations and Radiation Sources
NP 037-11 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Rules on Safety Ensuring During Decommissioning of Ships and other Vessels with
Nuclear Installations and Radiation Sources'
NP 038-02 in English - General Safety Provisions for Radiation Sources
NP 038-11 in English - General Safety Provisions for Radiation Sources
NP 038-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'General Safety Provisions for Radiation Sources'
NP 040-02 in English - Rules of Nuclear Power Plant Hydrogen Explosion Protection
NP 041-02 in English - Requirements to Quality Assurance Programs for NFC Facilities
NP 042-02 in English - Requirements to Quality Assurance Programs for Research Nuclear Facilities
NP 043-03 in English - Requirements for Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes of Nuclear Facilities
NP 043-11 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirements for Design and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes of Nuclear Facilities'
NP 044-03 in English - Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels for Nuclear Facilities
NP 045-03 in English - Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Pipelines for Nuclear Facilities
NP 046-03 in English - Rules for Design and Safe Operation of Steam and Hot Water Boilers for Nuclear Facilities
NP 047-03 in English - Provisions on the Procedure of Investigation and Accounting of Operational Occurrences at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
NP 047-11 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Provisions on the Procedure of Investigation and Accounting of Operational
Occurrences at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities'
NP 048-03 in English - Nuclear Safety Rules for Impulse Research Reactors
NP 049-03 in English - Requirements to the Contents of a Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Research Installations
NP 050-03 in English - Siting of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities. Basic Criteria and General Safety Requirements
NP 051-04 in English - Requirements to the Contents of the Safety Analysis Report of Nuclear Installation of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
NP 052-04 in English - Safety Rules during Temporary Storage of Radioactive Waste Generated in the Course of Mining, Reprocessing and Use of Natural Resources
NP 053-04 in English - Safety Rules in Transportation of Radioactive Materials

NP 053-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Safety Rules in Transportation of Radioactive Materials'
NP 054-04 in English - Strength Calculations Standards for Equipment Components and Pipelines of Ships Nuclear Steam Generating Installations with WWER-type Reactors
NP 055-04 in English - Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Principles, Criteria and General Safety Requirements
NP 055-14 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Principles, Criteria and General Safety Requirements'
NP 056-04 in English - Requirements to Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Facilities of Ships
NP 057-04 in English - Safety Rules for Decommissioning of NFC Nuclear Installations Decommissioning
NP 057-17 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Safety Rules for Decommissioning of NFC Nuclear Installations Decommissioning'
NP 058-04 in English - Safety in Radioactive Waste Management. General Provisions
NP 058-14 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Safety in Radioactive Waste Management. General Provisions'
NP 059-05 in English - Nuclear Safety Rules for Subcritical Assemblies. PBYa PKS-2005
NP 060-05 in English - Siting of Storage Facilities of Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Substances. Basic Criteria and Safety Requirements
NP 061-05 in English - Safety Rules for Storage and Transportation of Nuclear Fuel at Nuclear Facilities
NP 062-05 in English - Rules of Design and Safe Operation of Equipment and Products of Reactor Installations with Water Coolant for Floating Nuclear Power Plants
NP 063-05 in English - Nuclear Safety Rules for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
NP 064-05 in English - Accounting of External Natural and Man-Induced Impacts on Nuclear Facilities
NP 065-05 in English - Requirements to the Contents of Safety Analysis Report in the Course of R&D and Experimental Designing Works with Plutonium-Involving Materials at
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
NP 066-05 in English - Requirements to Safety Analysis Report of Storage Facilities for Nuclear Materials
NP 067-05 in English - Basic Rules on Accounting and Control of Radioactive Materials and Radioactive Waste in an Organization
NP 067-11 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Basic Rules on Accounting and Control of Radioactive Materials and Radioactive Waste
in an Organization'
NP 067-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Basic Rules on Accounting and Control of Radioactive Materials and Radioactive Waste
in an Organization'
NP 068-05 in English - Piping Armature for Nuclear Power Plants. General Engineering Requirements
NP 069-06 in English - Near-Surface Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements

NP 069-14 in English - Near-Surface Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements
NP 070-06 in English - Rules of Configuration and Safe Operation of Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
NP 071-06 in English - Rules of Conformity Assessment of Equipment, Component Materials and Semifinished Products Supplied to Nuclear Facilities
NP 072-06 in English - Rules of Nuclear Materials Transfer to the Category of Radioactive Materials or Nuclear Waste
NP 072-13 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Rules of Nuclear Materials Transfer to the Category of Radioactive Materials or Nuclear
NP 073-06 in English - Rules of Physical Protection of Radioactive Materials and Radiation Sources during Transportation
NP 073-11 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Rules of Physical Protection of Radioactive Materials and Radiation Sources during
NP 074-06 in English - Requirements to Planning and Preparedness to Eliminate Consequences of Accidents During Transportation of Nuclear Materials and Radioactive
NP 075-06 in English - Requirements to Contents of the Action Plans for Protection of Personnel in the Event of an Accident at Nuclear Research Installations
NP 076-06 in English - Installations for Immobilization of Transuranic Radioactive Waste. Safety Requirements
NP 077-06 in English - Requirements to Contents of the Action Plans for Personnel Protection in the Event of an Accident at a Nuclear Fuel Cycle Enterprise
NP 078-06 in English - Provisions on Procedure of the Announcement of Emergency Preparedness, Emergency Situation, and Prompt Communication of Information in the
Event of Radiation Hazardous Situations at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Enterprises
NP 079-06 in English - Requirements to Planning of Actions and Protection of Employees (Personnel) During Radiation Accidents at a Ship and (or) Water Craft Nuclear
NP 080-07 in English - Main Requirements for Fuel Rods and Fuel Assemblies with Uranium-Plutonium Fuel for Nuclear Power Plants
NP 081-07 in English - Requirements for Arrangement of Material Balance Zones
NP 082-07 in English - Nuclear Safety Rules for Reactor Facilities of Nuclear Power Plants
NP 083-07 in English - Requirements to Systems of Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Materials Storage Facilities
NP 083-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirements to Systems of Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials, Nuclear
Installations and Nuclear Materials Storage Facilities'
NP 084-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Unified Inspection Procedures for Base Materials, Weld Joints and Build-Ups in the
Course of Operation of Equipment, Pipelines and Other Elements of Nuclear Power Plants'
NP 085-10 in English - Requirements to Physical Protection of Ships with Nuclear Power Installations and Ships for Nuclear Materials Transportation

NP 086-12 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Rules for Design and Operation of Actuators of Reactivity Control'
NP 087-11 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirements for Emergency Power Systems of Nuclear Power Plants'
NP 088-11 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Regulations on Order of Investigation and Accounting of Operational Violations of Ships
with Nuclear Installations and Radiation Sources'
NP 089-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Rules of Design and Safe Operation of Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power
NP 090-11 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirements to Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Facilities'
NP 091-14 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Safety Ensuring in Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities. General Provisions'
NP 092-14 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Periodical Safety Analysis for Nuclear Research Installations'
NP 093-14 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Criteria for Accepting Radioactive Waste for Disposal'
NP 094-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Basic substantiation requirements for strength and thermo-mechanical behavior of fuel
assemblies and fuel elements in the core of water-cooled power reactors'
NP 095-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Basic Requirements to Probabilistic Safety Analysis of a Nuclear Power Plant Unit'
NP 096-15 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirements to Resource Management of Equipment and Pipelines of Nuclear Power
NP 097-16 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Rules on Safety Ensuring during Decommissioning of RW Storage Facilities'
NP 098-17 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Facilities on Production of Plutonium-Involving Nuclear Fuel. Safety Requirements'
NP 099-17 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirement to Items and Contents of Safety Analysis Report of RW Storage Facilities'
NP 100-17 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Requirements to Items and Contents of Safety Analysis Report of RW Disposal Facilities'
NP 101-17 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'General Safety Provisions for Safety of Spacecrafts with Nuclear Reactors'

NP 102-17 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'General Requirements to Justification of Strength of VVER Reactor Internals'
NP 103-17 in English - Federal Standards and Rules in the Field of Atomic Energy Use 'Safety Requirements for Special Radioactive Waste Disposal and Preservation Facilities'
NP 049-17 in English - Requirements to the Contents of a Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Research Installations
NP 064-17 in English - Accounting of External Natural and Man-Induced Impacts on Nuclear Facilities
НП 001-15 на английском языке - Федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии 'Общие положения обеспечения безопасности
атомных станций'
НП 002-04 на английском языке - Правила безопасности при обращении с радиоактивными отходами атомных станций
НП 002-15 на английском языке - Федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии 'Правила безопасности при обращении с
радиоактивными отходами атомных станций'
НП 003-97 на английском языке - Требования к полномасштабным тренажерам для подготовки операторов блочного пункта управления атомной станции
НП 004-08 на английском языке - Положение о порядке расследования и учета нарушений в работе атомных станций
НП 005-16 на английском языке - Федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии 'Положение о порядке объявления аварийной
обстановки, оперативной передачи информации и организации экстренной помощи атомным станциям в случаях радиационно опасных ситуаций'
НП 005-98 на английском языке - Положение о порядке объявления аварийной обстановки, оперативной передачи информации и организации экстренной
помощи атомным станциям в случае радиационно опасных ситуаций
НП 006-16 на английском языке - Федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии 'Требования к содержанию отчета по обоснованию
безопасности блока атомной станции с реактором типа ВВЭР'
НП 006-98 на английском языке - Требования к содержанию отчета по обоснованию безопасности АС с реактором типа ВВЭР
НП 007-17 на английском языке - Правила обеспечения безопасности при выводе из эксплуатации промышленных реакторов
НП 007-98 на английском языке - Правила обеспечения безопасности при выводе из эксплуатации промышленных реакторов
НП 008-04 на английском языке - Правила ядерной безопасности критических стендов
НП 008-16 на английском языке - Федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии 'Правила ядерной безопасности критических стендов'
НП 008-98 на английском языке - Правила ядерной безопасности критических стендов

НП 009-04 на английском языке - Правила ядерной безопасности исследовательских реакторов
НП 009-17 на английском языке - Правила ядерной безопасности исследовательских реакторов
НП 009-98 на английском языке - Правила ядерной безопасности исследовательских реакторов
НП 010-16 на английском языке - Федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии 'Правила устройства и эксплуатации локализующих
систем безопасности атомных станций'
НП 010-98 на английском языке - Правила устройства и эксплуатации локализующих систем безопасности атомных станций
НП 011-99 на английском языке - Требования к программе обеспечения качества для атомных станций
НП 012-16 на английском языке - Федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии 'Правила обеспечения безопасности при выводе из
эксплуатации блока атомной станции'
НП 012-99 на английском языке - Правила обеспечения безопасности при выводе из эксплуатации блока атомной станции
НП 013-99 на английском языке - Установки по переработке отработавшего ядерного топлива. Требования безопасности
НП 014-16 на английском языке - Федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии 'Правила расследования и учета нарушений при
эксплуатации и выводе из эксплуатации радиационных источников, пунктов хранения радиоактивных веществ и радиоактивных отходов и обращении с
радиоактивными веществами и радиоактивными отходами'
НП 014-2000 на английском языке - Правила расследования и учета нарушений при обращении с радиационными источниками и радиоактивными веществами,
применяемыми в народном хозяйстве
НП 015-12 на английском языке - Федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии 'Типовое содержание плана мероприятий по защите
персонала в случае аварии на атомной станции'
НП 015-2000 на английском языке - Типовое содержание плана мероприятий по защите персонала в случае аварии на атомной станции
НП 016-05 на английском языке - Общие положения обеспечения безопасности объектов ядерного топливного цикла (ОПБ ОЯТЦ)
НП 016-2000 на английском языке - Общие положения обеспечения безопасности объектов ядерного топливного цикла (ОПБ ОЯТЦ)
НП 017-2000 на английском языке - Федеральные нормы и правила в области использования атомной энергии. 'Основные требования к продлению срока
эксплуатации блока атомной станции'
НП 018-05 на английском языке - Требования к содержанию отчета по обоснованию безопасности атомных станций с реакторами на быстрых нейтронах
НП 018-2000 на английском языке - Требования к содержанию отчета по обоснованию безопасности АС с реакторами на быстрых нейтронах

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