Shavuos 2018 5778 Final Schedule (PDF)

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Sunday, May 20 Shavuos Day 1
9:00 am

Shacharis at Aish Denver

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Ice Cream Social at the Greiniman Residence, 5062 S Xania Street
Women’s Class at the Kollel Torah Center
4:30 pm 
Mrs. Rochel Goldbaum
Men’s Learning at the Kollel Torah Center
5:45 pm 
Learning with the Rosh Kollel Part I - Chavrusa Learning & Shiur
5:45 pm
Daf Yomi Rab Zvi Gelt

A is h Denver and the De nver Communi ty Ko llel
are pro ud to prese nt a full sche dule
of l ea rning and o ppo r tuni ties in vario us
l ocat ions acro ss o ur So utheast communi ty.
May we all have a go o d Yom To v to ge ther!

Services at Aish Denver
7:45 pm
8:05 pm
Remarks by Rabbi Moshe Heyman
8:25 pm
8:53 pm
Candle Lighting from Existing Source

Monday, May 22 Shavuos Day 2
8:15 am
10:30 am

Day 2 Shacharis
Yizkor (approximately)

Kiddush Follows
Women’s Programming at Aish Denver
4:15 pm
For Women: Girls Speak – A Special Presentation of Learning
4:45 pm - 5:45 pm For Women: Mrs. Sylvia Heyman: Power of the Jewish Woman
*Child supervision provided from 4:15 pm – 5:45 pm
Men’s Learning at Aish Denver
6:15 pm
Learning with the Rosh Kollel Part II - Chavrusa Learning & Shiur
6:15 pm
Daf Yomi by Reb Zvi Gelt
Services at Aish Denver
7:45 pm       
Mincha followed by the Neilas HaChag
8:54 pm       
Maariv/Yom Tov Ends

2018 Schedule

Motzei Shab b os ,  May 1 9
7:4 5 pm - Mincha
8:10 pm -Re m arks b y R a b b i G rei ni ma n
8:5 0 pm - Maariv

Shavuos All Night Learning - May 19 & 20
Aish Denver
Sanctuary Track
in the Sanctuary

Aish Denver
Beis Medresh Track
(For Men Only)
in the Lounge


11:45 pm - 1:00 am
Light onto the Nations or
None of Our Responsibility?

12:45-1:45 - Torah from Lakewood
Rabbi Yosef Friend, Scholar in Residence

Rabbi Meyer

11:45 pm - 1:00 am
Behind the Scenes: Moshe
Rabbeinu at Sinai (Talmud
Shabbos 88)

1:05 am - 2:15 am
A Second Look Through
Torah Colored Glasses

1:05 am - 2:15 am
Reading Between the Lines:
The Roots of the Oral Torah

Mrs. Sylvia Heyman

Rabbi Shmuel Halpern

3:35 am - 4:35 am
Daf Yomi

Reb Zvi Gelt
4:35 am - 4:45 am                     
Preparation for Receiving
the Torah – Reflective
Inspirational Insights

Reb Zvi Gelt

2:15 am - 4:30 am
Beis Medrash
Study Group Learning:
Midvar Sheker Tirhak –
The Torah’s Definition
of Truthfulness

Rabbi Meyer
4:55 am
Shacharis at Aish Denver
Times: 4:03 - Alos Hashachar | 4:44 - Earliest Tallis | 4:55 - Shacharis

11:45pm – 12:45 - Vaad “Choose Life:
Setting the Tone for Kabalas HaTorah”
Rabbi Levi Lebovits

1:45-2:45 - The Purge: Common Scenarios
and Challenges in Kashering Vessels
Rabbi Mordechai Tzvi Rotstein
2:45-3:45 - Chassidic Stories and Litvishe Vertlach:
Discovering Diverse Approaches to Avodas Hashem
Rabbi Moshe Heyman
3:30-4:30 - Daf Yomi Plus – Enter the World of Brisk:
A Brisker Shiur on the Daf
Harav Shachne Sommers
3:45- 4:30 - Raised in Captivity:
Reexamining the Captive Woman in the Modern Age
Rabbi Eli Mozes
4:35-4:45 am Divrei Chizuk
Harav Shachne Sommers
4:55 am - Shacharis at Kollel Torah Center
Times: 4:03 - Alos Hashachar | 4:44 - Earliest Tallis | 4:55 - Shacharis

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