D&D 5e Modified Weapon List Ver.1.0 (PDF)

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Author: Nicholas Vincent

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Simple Weapons
Simple Melee Weapons
Bō Staff
Composite Staff
Light Hammer
Reinforced Torch
Spiked Club
Unarmed Strike

1 GP
1 SP
1 GP
2 GP
3 SP
5 GP
5 SP
5 GP
2 GP
2 SP
1 SP
1 GP
1 GP
5 GP
10 CP

Simple Ranged Weapons
10 GP
Crossbow, light
25 GP
5 CP
25 GP
1 SP
Throwing Knife
1 SP

1d6 bludgeoning
1d6 bludgeoning
1d8 bludgeoning
1d4 piercing
2d4 bludgeoning
1d6 slashing
1d6 piercing
1d6 bludgeoning
1d4 +1 bludgeoning
1d6 bludgeoning
1d4 bludgeoning +1 fire
1d4 +1 slashing
1d6 piercing
1d4 piercing +2 bludgeoning
1d4 bludgeoning
1 bludgeoning

1 piercing
1d8 piercing
1d4 piercing
1d6 piercing
1d4 bludgeoning
1d4 piercing

3 lb.
2 lb.
4 lb.
1 lb.
3 lb.
3 lb.
5 lb.
2 lb.
4 lb.
2 lb.
2 lb.
3 lb.
3 lb.
1 lb.

1 lb.
5 lb.
1/4 lb.
2 lb.

1 lb.

Finesse, reach, two-handed
Light, Shillelagh-friendly
Reach, Shillelagh-friendly, two-handed
Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60), special
Heavy, two-handed, Shillelagh-friendly
Light, thrown (range 20/60)
Thrown (range 30/120)
Versatile (1d8 bludgeoning), special
Light, thrown (range 20/60)
Versatile (1d8 bludgeoning), Shillelagh-friendly
Light, special, thrown (range 10/30)
Finesse, light
Reach, special, thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)

Finesse, light, Shillelagh-friendly

Ammunition (range 25/100), special
Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, special, two-handed
Finesse, light, special, thrown (range 20/60)
Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
Ammunition (range 30/120)
Finesse, light, special, thrown (range 20/60)

Special Weapons
Weapons with special rules are described here.
Blowgun. When you make a ranged weapon attack roll with a blowgun against a creature that is wearing light armor or no armor
and you score a critical hit, the creature is poisoned for 1 round. (Also moved to simple ranged weapons and removed the loading
Crossbow, light. You do not have disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls with a light crossbow against a target within normal
range for being underwater. When you are hiding, using a light crossbow to make a ranged attack gives away your position to all
creatures within 25 feet of you that aren’t deaf, distracted or unconscious.
Dagger. Damage dealt by a dagger can destroy nets. If you use a dagger to make a melee attack, you may choose to deal slashing
damage rather than piercing. You do not have disadvantage on melee weapon attack rolls you make with a dagger for being
Dart. When you throw this weapon to make a ranged attack, you may draw another as part of the attack. You do not have
disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls with a dart against a target within normal range for being underwater.
Javelin. You do not have disadvantage on melee weapon attack rolls you make with a javelin for being underwater. Additionally,
you do not have disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls with a javelin against a target within normal range for being
Mace. When make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature that is wearing medium or heavy armor and you score a critical
hit, the creature is stunned for 1 round.
Reinforced Torch. A reinforced torch can be lit and burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an
additional 20 feet. A burning reinforced torch deals 1d4 bludgeoning +1 fire damage, and only 1d4 bludgeoning when it isn’t lit.
Spear. You do not have disadvantage on melee weapon attack rolls you make with a spear for being underwater. Additionally, you
do not have disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls with a spear against a target within normal range for being underwater.
Throwing Knife. When you throw this weapon to make a ranged attack, you may draw another as part of the attack. If you use a
throwing knife to make a melee attack, you may choose to deal slashing damage rather than piercing. You do not have
disadvantage on melee weapon attack rolls you make with a throwing knife for being underwater.


Martial Weapons

Cost Damage

Martial Melee Weapons
Arming Sword
Bastard Sword
Battleaxe (twin)
Battleaxe (hammer)
Battleaxe (pick)
Bec de Corbin

20 GP
15 GP
10 GP
10 GP
10 GP
20 GP
20 GP


20 GP
10 GP
20 GP
50 GP

Greataxe (twin)
Greataxe (hammer)
Greataxe (pick)

20 GP
30 GP
30 GP
30 GP
50 GP


20 GP
10 GP
20 GP

War Pick
Winged Spear

10 GP
15 GP
20 GP
5 GP
25 GP
25 GP
25 GP
10 GP
30 GP
5 GP
15 GP
15 GP
2 GP
10 GP

1d8 slashing (or 1d8 piercing)
1d8 slashing (or 1d6 piercing)
2d4 slashing
1d8 slashing (or 1d6 bludgeoning)
1d8 slashing (or 1d6 piercing)
1d10 piercing (or 1d6 bludgeoning)
1d8 slashing
(or 1d6 piercing or 1d6 bludgeoning)
1d8 slashing (or 1d4 bludgeoning)
1d8 bludgeoning
1d8 piercing (or 1d8 slashing)
1d12 slashing
(or 1d6 piercing or 1d6 bludgeoning)
1d12 slashing
2d6 slashing
1d12 slashing (or 1d6 bludgeoning)
1d12 slashing (or 1d6 piercing)
2d6 slashing
(or 1d6 piercing or 1d6 bludgeoning)
1d10 slashing (or 1d6 piercing)
1d12 piercing
1d10 slashing
(or 1d8 piercing or 1d6 bludgeoning)
2d6 bludgeoning
1d4 bludgeoning + 1d4 piercing
1d8 piercing (or 1d8 slashing)
1d10 piercing
1d8 piercing (or 1d4 slashing)
1d8 slashing (or 1d4 piercing)
1d6 +1 slashing
1d6 slashing (or 1d6 piercing)
3d4 bludgeoning
1d8 piercing
1d8 piercing (or 1d6 bludgeoning)
1d8 bludgeoning (or 1d6 piercing)
1d4 slashing
1d6 piercing

Martial Ranged Weapons
95 GP
Composite Bow
50 GP
Crossbow, hand
75 GP
Crossbow, heavy
50 GP
50 GP
75 GP

2d8 bludgeoning
1d6 piercing
1d6 piercing
1d10 piercing
1d8 piercing
1d8 piercing

Throwing Axe
Winged Axe

1d6 slashing
1d8 slashing
1d10 slashing

1 GP
5 SP
10 GP
15 GP

Weight Properties
3 lb.
3 lb.
4 lb.
4 lb.
4 lb.
5 lb.
4 lb.

Versatile (1d10 slashing (or 1d8 bludgeoning))
Versatile (1d10 slashing)
Versatile (1d10 slashing (or 1d8 bludgeoning))
Versatile (1d10 slashing (or 1d8 piercing))
Heavy, reach, two-handed, special

3 lb.
2 lb.
3 lb.
6 lb.


Heavy, two-handed

6 lb.
7 lb.
7 lb.
7 lb.
6 lb.

Heavy, reach, special
Heavy, two-handed
Heavy, two-handed
Heavy, two-handed
Heavy, two-handed

6 lb.
6 lb.
5 lb.

Heavy, reach, two-handed
Reach, special
Heavy, two-handed

10 lb.
4 lb.
10 lb.
10 lb.
3 lb.
2 lb.
10 lb.
4 lb.
4 lb.
4 lb.
2 lb.
4 lb.

200 lb.
4 lb.
3 lb.
18 lb.
2 lb.
10 lb.
3 lb.
1 lb.
4 lb.
7 lb.

Heavy, special, two-handed
Versatile (1d6 bludgeoning + 1d4 piercing)
Finesse, heavy, reach, two-handed
Heavy, reach, special, two-handed
Finesse, light
Finesse, light, special
Heavy, special, two-handed
Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d10 piercing), special
Special, versatile (1d10 piercing (or 1d8 bludgeoning))
Special, versatile (1d10 bludgeoning (or 1d8 piercing))
Finesse, reach, special
Finesse, heavy, reach, special, versatile (1d8 piercing)

Heavy, thrown (range 0/5), special, two-handed
Ammunition (range 70/300), special, two-handed
Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading
Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed
Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed
Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, loading,
special, two-handed
Special, thrown (5/15)
Finesse, light, special, thrown (range 20/60)
Thrown (range 20/60)
Heavy, thrown (range 10/30), two-handed


Special Weapons
Weapons with special rules are described here.
Anvil. When you are hiding, using an anvil to make an attack gives away your position to all creatures within 25 feet of you that
aren’t deaf, distracted or unconscious. If you use an anvil to make a melee attack, you treat the weapon as an improvised weapon
(see "Improvised Weapons" later in the section).
Bec de corbin. When you make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature that is wearing medium or heavy armor and you
score a critical hit, the creature is incapacitated for 1 round.
Composite bow. When making a ranged weapon attack with a composite bow, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity
modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.
Flail. When you are hiding, using a flail to make a melee attack gives away your position to all creatures within 25 feet of you that
aren’t deaf, distracted or unconscious. When make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature that is wearing a shield and you
miss, the creature is stunned for 1 round.
Glaive. A glaive both requires two hands to wield and deals 1d10 slashing damage when you aren’t mounted.
Greatbow. When making a ranged weapon attack with a greatbow, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for
the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.
Lance. You have disadvantage when you use a lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. Also, a lance requires two hands to
wield when you aren’t mounted.
Maul. When you make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature that is wearing heavy armor and you score a critical hit, the
creature falls prone.
Pike. You have advantage when you use a pike to attack a target that is mounted. When you make a melee weapon attack roll
against a creature that is mounted and you score a critical hit, the creature falls prone.
Shortsword. You do not have disadvantage on melee weapon attack rolls you make with a shortsword for being underwater.
Shuriken. When you throw this weapon to make a ranged attack, you may draw another as part of the attack. If you use a shuriken
to make a melee attack, you treat the weapon as an improvised weapon (see "Improvised Weapons" later in the section).
Sledgehammer. When you make a melee weapon attack roll against a creature that is wearing heavy armor and you score a critical
hit, the creature falls prone.
Spear. You do not have disadvantage on melee weapon attack rolls you make with a winged spear for being underwater.
Additionally, you do not have disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls with a winged spear against a target within normal
range for being underwater.
Trident. You do not have disadvantage on melee weapon attack rolls you make with a trident for being underwater. Additionally,
you do not have disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls with a trident against a target within normal range for being
Net. You do not have disadvantage on ranged weapon attack rolls with a net against a target within normal range for being
War pick. When you make a melee weapon attack roll with a war pick against a creature that is wearing medium or heavy armor
and you score a critical hit, the creature is incapacitated for 1 round.
Warhammer. When you make a melee weapon attack roll with a warhammer against a creature that is wearing medium or heavy
armor and you score a critical hit, the creature is incapacitated for 1 round.
Whip. Damage dealt by a whip cannot destroy nets. When you make a melee weapon attack roll with a whip against a creature
that is wearing light armor or no armor and you score a critical hit, you may pull the creature 5 feet towards you.


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