Funny Short Stories (PDF)

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Funny Short Stories

I lost my first love

Me and my girlfriend both work 3rd shift. She works 11-7 and I work 10-6. So i just get
dropped off and have to wait for her to pick me up in the morning. We get to my work and
everything is fine. We talk and bs and stories from yesterday while i get clocked in and head
to work. We talk while i work a little and then I turn around and turn back and she is starting
to leave. I thought it was weird that she started to leave without saying bye cuz she is always
the first to say "hey get back here and give me a kiss" or something like that. I thought "ok ill
just be lovey when i see her in the morning."

The Best Way To Cook Rice
Maya had her good friend Isabelle over for a girl-evening. You know, make a chill dinner, a
very nice bottle of red wine and talk about boys and other things and stories girls talk about.
Isabelle, with a big grin, proclaimed she was the queen of cooking rice without a rice
cooker, so she self-appointed herself to make rice. Maya would clean and chop the
They were in the kitchen of Maya‟s small apartment, chatting away about this boy and that
boy and shopping and who they couldn‟t stand at work and Lisa‟s terrible fashion sense and
stories from their dating life.
Maya looked over her shoulder as she and Isabelle were chatting and laughing, when she
stopped up and noticed what Isabelle was doing..
Isabelle took a cup of rice, poured it into a regular plastic bag, tied a knot on the plastic bag
and dropped the bag into a pot of boiling water.
Maya shockingly asked: “What on earth are you doing..??!! – that‟s how you cook
Isabelle - caught off guard - answered surprised yet with a smile: „Yeeeeaaa! -That‟s how I
make Uncle Ben‟s rice..!

Funny Story

A collection of the funniest stories on
various topics: business, friends, games,
inspirational, religion, Shopping etc. For
more information please visit our website

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