Clover School District Case Study (PDF)

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Author: Chris Fuller

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South Carolina School District Improves Communication, Saves
Time and Money with Peachjar
Clover School District (CSD) serves over 7,000 students and their families in the upstate region of South Carolina. For
years, CSD sent flyers home to parents the way most schools do, in backpacks and student folders. However, CSD began
to question the effectiveness of distributing paper flyers.
While students generally saw the flyers, CSD had no way of knowing whether they were
getting into the hands of parents. They recognized that the vast majority of their parents
were accustomed to receiving information digitally and wanted more convenient
methods of obtaining it from the district. Along with being unreliable, the process also
created extra work for school staff. The amount of paper needed was a significant
expense, as well as being environmentally unfriendly. To improve communication with
families, as well as to save time and money, CSD chose Peachjar to help meet this vital

Clover School District at a glance:
Location: Clover, SC
7,100 total students (approximate)
9 schools serving PK-12
1,048 total employees
555 total teachers

communication need.

Result with Peachjar: Better Communication, Effectively Delivered
with Less Expense
Mychal Frost serves as the Public Information Officer for CSD. Among his responsibilities are approving flyers from
community organizations who wish to distribute information at CSD schools. The district has had a flyer distribution policy
in effect for several years, and Frost has found that Peachjar’s eflyer management system is a great fit.
Along with allowing the district to easily approve flyers from community organizations,
individual schools and parent groups can use the system at no charge to send parents
information. Distributing digital flyers has resulted in significant time savings for school staff
members, as well as reducing printing costs and the environmental impact of thousands of
sheets of paper each month. “In the 7 months since using Peachjar, we have saved 360,542
sheets of paper which equates to over 43 trees,” says Frost. At an estimated cost of six cents

“We conservatively
estimate saving
$3,240 annually by
sending out our
lunch menus
through Peachjar.”

per printed page, CSD saved nearly $21,633 during that period.
CSD has reaped financial benefits in other areas with Peachjar. Through CSD’s food service provider, the district used to
send home a printed lunch menu each month. By using Peachjar to distribute the lunch menu, CSD expects to save
thousands of dollars in printing costs each year. According to Frost, “We conservatively estimate saving $3,240 annually by
sending out our lunch menus through Peachjar.”

Along with quantifiable cost reductions, Peachjar helps schools allocate staff time more
efficiently. “Peachjar has taken a tremendous burden off of each school’s staff,” says Frost.
“Particularly at the elementary level, where there is typically a higher volume of paper going
home from outside groups. The folks at those schools are in love with Peachjar. They no longer
have to count, sort, stack, and paperclip flyers for delivery to the classroom. Until we began

“Peachjar has taken
a tremendous
burden off of each
school’s staff.”

using Peachjar, I wasn’t fully aware of how much of a burden was lifted from the school staff
members by distributing flyers online.”

School Staff and Community Partners Enjoy Peachjar Benefits
One CSD staff member who benefits from using Peachjar is Sonya Long. As school secretary at Bethel Elementary School,
her responsibilities include preparing and distributing newsletters from the school and its PTO, as well as distributing flyers
to classrooms. Before Peachjar, the process was costly and time-consuming. “For our newsletters, we made hundreds of
copies and sent home a lot of paper,” according to Long. It took hours to sort and distribute newsletters and flyers and
there was no guarantee that they would make it home or that parents would see them. With Peachjar, both of those
concerns are now eliminated. “Peachjar is easy and makes my life simpler,” Long says. “I really like it.”
As a CSD parent, Long also appreciates the improved communication that Peachjar
provides. “I have a son in high school, and his father and I both get flyers by email from his
school,” she says. “Before, my son often didn’t bring flyers home, so we feel more
informed with Peachjar.”

“My son often didn’t
bring flyers home, so
we feel more
informed with

Community organizations who hold activities and events for students have responded very
positively to CSD’s use of Peachjar for eflyer distribution. “I tell our providers that the cost of using Peachjar is usually
much less than what they would spend printing and distributing paper flyers, and they benefit from knowing the message
goes directly to Mom and Dad, rather than being stuffed in a book bag or tossed out the bus window,” says Frost. He notes
that the local Boy Scout council has seen a significant improvement in their outreach efforts by using Peachjar.
The environmentally-friendly aspect of using Peachjar has also been well received by the community. “One of the first
community organizations to use the service was a museum which was promoting an Earth Day festival,” according to Frost.
“They loved the idea of using a green initiative to promote the event. It was a perfect marriage of organization and
CSD often shares details of their Peachjar successes with neighboring school districts. “I’m having conversations with the
districts that border ours,” says Frost. “I’ve spoken highly of the Peachjar process.”

(877) 402-1786

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