NewsletterQ1 16 (PDF)

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Three ways to give: Your gift changes lives!
“He felt great pity for the crowds that came, because their problems were so great and they
Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life,
didn’t know where to go for help. They were like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his
what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food,
disciples, ‘The harvest and
is so the
but the workers are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in
body more than clothes.” Luke 12:22
charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields.”
Matthew 9:36-38 (NLT)

Vision for a New Generation

Dear Family & Friends,

Hope for Orphaned Refugees

We thank God and you, His special servants, for
partnering with Jesus Christ, to serve His interests
Dear precious family and friends,
in the world, along with us, in Ukraine.

Visit and click the GIVE ONLINE button.
Send a text to the phone number 41444
In the body of the text simply type: JHLC
Click on the link you’ll get in return
and complete your gift.
Mail your gift in the enclosed envelope.
Please write to us anytime:
P.O. Box 494400
Port Charlotte, FL, 33949
Joshua House Life Centers is a charitable ministry, founded by missionaries Jim and Sandy McCann, providing children’s homes, orphan rescues, Christian schools, churches, wellness centers, outreaches and
missions in the Ukraine. JHLC ministers to the poor, impoverished, widows and orphans; demonstrating
the Gospel by bringing deliverance to those who are oppressed - in sin, sickness, disease, poverty and
extreme suffering; feeding the hungry, speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves, bringing
in the lonely, naked and orphaned for adoption and parenting; daily and practically demonstrating the
love of Christ through our Joshua House ministry.

During a recent time of prayer, I was moved to pray for God’s
Jesus came into the world, was crucified for our
to world’s,
bring soabout
total, regional, transformation, in the
sins, and the whole
in Him can
be saved and
life. and in the mountains where we live.
Right now, Ukraine is going through one of the
mya nation!
heart Because
with fresh
courage, to trust and focus on Him
in itsfilled
history as
work, and further vision and
the war with Russia and their rebels, there are
dreams. 1.7
If million
we are
to more
heal, help and build homes and buildings
for than
of orphans;
He will provide all we need. We will
World War
II, thousands
dead –
be civilians,
filled including
with abundant
many children,
andand our reward will never be stolen!
acts of terror across the nation. Ukraine is now
as Jesus
in Luke 12, that believers are truly blessed, and
one of the
10 most
will inreceive
the worldan
to live
in! The kingdom,
economy with reward, from the hands of Jesus.
I pray
for this
to direct
my very life, so His love can be shared
is being
And every
day orphans
and children in the world.
being made. Some of these pictures may be hard
to look at, and heart‐breaking; but it’s daily reality
this season
The war
in Ukraine
in Ukraine’s
history.has displaced nearly 2,000,000 refugees -countless orphans among them -- and bombed out orphanages or places of
once again
are reminded that the children we raise must
Jesus sawSo,
the crowds,
He had we
on them,
they were confused
the dangers,
be trueand
and become moms and dads for the
to imitate
Him in everything.
And as Jesus lived in the world, so we are to live.
who say
they live in God
live their
A new
is should
lives as Christ did.” I John 2:6 (NLT)
Christia, one of the orphans we raised, found her husband, in the
darkness we
over our
the light.
… ones to, which is called “the land of
darkness”. Her husband got saved in one of our services. And God has
placed, in both of their hearts, the desire to be a mom and dad
to orphans.
(more ...)

Christia recently gave birth to their first child. But, before that
baby turned one year old, they took in five orphans to parent! Can you
imagine doing something like that, at their age, newly married, with a
new first child? The only way it’s possible is with the power of God. I
can’t tell my children to be parents—it wouldn’t be fair if it wasn’t
their calling. Only Jesus can do a miracle like that.

Christia and Misha are one couple that are really a modern day
example of what it means to follow Jesus! Their example will inspire many
more to do the same! The children we write to you about could never have
been rescued, and become disciples of Jesus, unless you had partnered
with God to help keep sending us. It makes us want to continually pray
for you and bless you and your homes, and I want to also encourage you.
In these war-torn times, your gifts are
bearing fruit that is multiplying with each new generation.

We are not finished, nor quitting, nor leaving! We are going to stand
on God’s promises of protection, in the midst of fires and adversities,
and labor until He comes. But we need your prayers and support today.

Before I came to this family and ministry; I couldn’t find my purpose in life. But, when God showed
me Christia, I understood the plan that the Lord had prepared for me. It was at the time when I met
Jim and Sandy, that I realized that these are the people that I needed to align myself with, and to take
example from. They opened the world up to me, from a whole ‘nother perspective – another side that
I didn’t know until after I had repented – realizing how many broken hearts they rescued from death
and brought to repentance. I told myself, that this is what I want in this world; because, you can’t find
a better job than to see how little hearts can be healed of their childhood wounds and run again, and
rejoice, and thank God for new life – life with God. Our hearts are after God. And as God said in the
Psalms, that He is the Father to all the orphans; so our hearts belong to orphans. --Misha

Christia, after coming into our family, as a
little girl, loved ministering to orphans.

Marianka’s (my granddaughter) first Christmas
with her new parents,
Christia and Misha.


It’s the worst, and most impossible of times, for us here in
Ukraine. But, in our almost 27 years of full-time missions work, these
have always been the signs and times, when our Father does His greatest
works! Please take steps of faith, motivated by love, and give your best
to expand the work of Joshua House Life Centers.

And we thank you, in advance, as the Lord moves your hearts for
these last days’ huge harvests in the world. Brothers and sisters, we
simply cannot do this without you!

With all our love in Christ, his servants and yours,
Jim & Sandy


We are prayerfully making plans, as our Father and Lord Jesus
lead us, and provide, to build a large structure, for which we already
have the land. We want to fill it with children, worship and prayer, a
school, and a conference center, where we can invite global leaders -true servants of God’s heart -- to help us. It will be an international
missions training center, with health and wellness training, and business
mentoring. Out of “the land of darkness”; missionaries, moms and dads,
and businessmen will be sent out, not only to other villages, but to the
nations with help from this facility.

P.S. I hope to hear from you soon, but I leave you with this encouragement ...
A Baptist minister (one of Lenin’s advisors), concerning what would be
the Soviet written doctrine, was asked, by Lenin, for council. He told
Lenin, ‘Whatever you do, do it with God.’ Lenin later replied, ‘We’ll do
it; but, without God.” This brought about spiritual darkness in Ukraine
and in the lives of many orphans. Together we are letting in the light,
generation by generation. Wise are those whose hearts, and all they have,
are invested in the Kingdom of God! Praise Him forever and ever, amen!

Christia recently gave birth to their first child. But, before that
baby turned one year old, they took in five orphans to parent! Can you
imagine doing something like that, at their age, newly married, with a
new first child? The only way it’s possible is with the power of God. I
can’t tell my children to be parents—it wouldn’t be fair if it wasn’t
their calling. Only Jesus can do a miracle like that.

Christia and Misha are one couple that are really a modern day
example of what it means to follow Jesus! Their example will inspire many
more to do the same! The children we write to you about could never have
been rescued, and become disciples of Jesus, unless you had partnered
with God to help keep sending us. It makes us want to continually pray
for you and bless you and your homes, and I want to also encourage you.
In these war-torn times, your gifts are
bearing fruit that is multiplying with each new generation.

We are not finished, nor quitting, nor leaving! We are going to stand
on God’s promises of protection, in the midst of fires and adversities,
and labor until He comes. But we need your prayers and support today.

Before I came to this family and ministry; I couldn’t find my purpose in life. But, when God showed
me Christia, I understood the plan that the Lord had prepared for me. It was at the time when I met
Jim and Sandy, that I realized that these are the people that I needed to align myself with, and to take
example from. They opened the world up to me, from a whole ‘nother perspective – another side that
I didn’t know until after I had repented – realizing how many broken hearts they rescued from death
and brought to repentance. I told myself, that this is what I want in this world; because, you can’t find
a better job than to see how little hearts can be healed of their childhood wounds and run again, and
rejoice, and thank God for new life – life with God. Our hearts are after God. And as God said in the
Psalms, that He is the Father to all the orphans; so our hearts belong to orphans. --Misha

Christia, after coming into our family, as a
little girl, loved ministering to orphans.

Marianka’s (my granddaughter) first Christmas
with her new parents,
Christia and Misha.


It’s the worst, and most impossible of times, for us here in
Ukraine. But, in our almost 27 years of full-time missions work, these
have always been the signs and times, when our Father does His greatest
works! Please take steps of faith, motivated by love, and give your best
to expand the work of Joshua House Life Centers.

And we thank you, in advance, as the Lord moves your hearts for
these last days’ huge harvests in the world. Brothers and sisters, we
simply cannot do this without you!

With all our love in Christ, his servants and yours,
Jim & Sandy


We are prayerfully making plans, as our Father and Lord Jesus
lead us, and provide, to build a large structure, for which we already
have the land. We want to fill it with children, worship and prayer, a
school, and a conference center, where we can invite global leaders -true servants of God’s heart -- to help us. It will be an international
missions training center, with health and wellness training, and business
mentoring. Out of “the land of darkness”; missionaries, moms and dads,
and businessmen will be sent out, not only to other villages, but to the
nations with help from this facility.

P.S. I hope to hear from you soon, but I leave you with this encouragement ...
A Baptist minister (one of Lenin’s advisors), concerning what would be
the Soviet written doctrine, was asked, by Lenin, for council. He told
Lenin, ‘Whatever you do, do it with God.’ Lenin later replied, ‘We’ll do
it; but, without God.” This brought about spiritual darkness in Ukraine
and in the lives of many orphans. Together we are letting in the light,
generation by generation. Wise are those whose hearts, and all they have,
are invested in the Kingdom of God! Praise Him forever and ever, amen!

Three ways to give: Your gift changes lives!

Visit and click the GIVE ONLINE button.
Send a text to the phone number 41444
In the body of the text simply type: JHLC
Click on the link you’ll get in return
and complete your gift.
Mail your gift in the enclosed envelope.
Please write to us anytime:
P.O. Box 494400
Port Charlotte, FL, 33949
Joshua House Life Centers is a charitable ministry, founded by missionaries Jim and Sandy McCann, providing children’s homes, orphan rescues, Christian schools, churches, wellness centers, outreaches and
missions in the Ukraine. JHLC ministers to the poor, impoverished, widows and orphans; demonstrating
the Gospel by bringing deliverance to those who are oppressed - in sin, sickness, disease, poverty and
extreme suffering; feeding the hungry, speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves, bringing
in the lonely, naked and orphaned for adoption and parenting; daily and practically demonstrating the
love of Christ through our Joshua House ministry.

“He felt great pity for the crowds that came, because their problems were so great and they
Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life,
didn’t know where to go for help. They were like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his
what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food,
disciples, ‘The harvest and
is so the
but the workers are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in
body more than clothes.” Luke 12:22
charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields.”





  Matthew 9:36-38 (NLT)

Vision for a New Generation

Dear Family & Friends, 
Hope for Orphaned Refugees
We thank God and you, His special servants, for 
partnering with Jesus Christ, to serve His interests  
Dear precious family and friends,
in the world, along with us, in Ukraine. 

During a recent time of prayer, I was moved to pray for God’s
Jesus came into the world, was crucified for our 
to bring about a total, regional, transformation, in the
sins, and the whole world’s, so anyone who  
mountain villages and large city, and in the mountains where we live.
believes in Him can be saved and have eternal life.  
Right now, Ukraine is going through one of the 

God filled my heart with fresh courage, to trust and focus on Him
worst times in its history as a nation!  Because of 
with all our lives, missions work, and further vision and
the war with Russia and their rebels, there are 
dreams. If we are faithful to heal, help and build homes and buildings
approximately 1.7 million displaced refugees, more 
for the untold number of orphans; He will provide all we need. We will
orphans than in World War II, thousands dead – 
be filled with abundant life, and our reward will never be stolen!
mostly civilians, including many children, and  
acts of terror across the nation.  Ukraine is now 

Jesus tells us, in Luke 12, that believers are truly blessed, and
counted as one of the 10 most dangerous  
will receive an eternal kingdom, with reward, from the hands of Jesus.
countries in the world to live in!  The economy  
I pray for this promise to direct my very life, so His love can be shared
is being destroyed.  And every day orphans are 
with lost and broken-hearted people and children in the world.
being made.  Some of these pictures may be hard  
to look at, and heart‐breaking; but it’s daily reality 

The war in Ukraine has displaced nearly 2,000,000 refugees -during this season in Ukraine’s history. 
  countless orphans among them -- and bombed out orphanages or places of
refuge. So, once again we are reminded that the children we raise must
When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion  
on them, because they were confused and helpless.   
face the dangers, be true disciples, and become moms and dads for the
God’s Word says to imitate Him in everything.   
flood of new orphans.
And as Jesus lived in the world, so we are to live.   
“Those who say they live in God should live their  
A new generation is rising up:
lives as Christ did.”  I John 2:6 (NLT) 
Christia, one of the orphans we raised, found her husband, in the
But, darkness doesn’t win over the light.  …    
region we took all our little ones to, which is called “the land of
  darkness”. Her husband got saved in one of our services. And God has
  placed, in both of their hearts, the desire to be a mom and   dad
  to orphans.
(more ...)

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