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Noreen Butler - Life Coach Agreement
(Personal and Professional Development )
Full Name *
First Name
Last Name
E-mail *
Phone Number *
Area Co de
Pho ne Number
Welcome!! Congratulations for taking the first step toward achieving your heart felt desires!
I have positive expectations for a coaching relationship that will help you to create the life
YOU want to live!! As we partner together professionally, I want you to be familiar with the
following guidelines.
Coaching Guidelines:
I invite you to think of Coaching as a process. Many people create change for themselves
in a short time. However, to refine and sustain the change can sometimes takes several
months. I would ask that you expect our Coaching relationship to last at least 6 weeks or
longer, depending upon your progress and objectives.
Coaching services will vary depending upon your desired level of support. The activities of
our coaching relationship are designed to ensure you achieve your desires at your pace.
To be successful, requires your commitment. You will need to be open and honest about
your circumstances and needs, keep agreements and stay committed to your goals.
My role as your coach, is to demontrate my expertise and to be a mentor, supporter,
sounding board, and champion for all of your efforts. I'm also going to help you remain
accountable for your actions. The balance between support and challenge is the key to
keeping us focused on your success.
If I ever say or do anything that doesn't meet your needs, please bring it to my attention so
that we can resolve it as soon as possible. My objective is to have a coaching relationship
that is fully open, honest, real and trusting in our communication styles.
Coaching fee is payable to Noreen Butler. Invoices can be paid via check, or Pay Pal:
Pay for services is due and payable wit in 7 days of invoice dat e.
The total coach fee is $65 per hour (weekly payment) or 3 sessions for a total of $180 or a
total of 6 sessions for $360.
FIRST T HREE SESSIONS FREE: (11/24/14, 12/1/14 and 12/15/14)
Start Date: 11/24/14
End Date: To Be Determined 12/15/14
Day/Time: Monday /12:00pm
1. Coach will contact Client at the agreed upon scheduled time
2. Coach will send a summary of discussion points for each session
3. Client and Coach will agree to provide 24 hours notice if session needs to be
If client wishes to connect with me in between sessions with a challenge, a success or an
inquiry, I will make every attempt to respond to client within 24 hours, with an email or short
phone call at Client's discretion. I'm happy to provide this extra level of service at no
additional charge. or text me at 914-536-2655
If Client has an emergency or illness, Client can reschedule with less than 24 hours notice.
Cancellat ion Fees:
Should Client fail to notify me (Coach) of cancellation less than 24 hours, you (Client) will be
invoiced for the missed session.
Should Coach fail to notify the Client less than 24 hours, the Client will receive the next
session free of charge.
Terminat ion:
Should the Client and/or Coach determine that insufficient progress or cooperation exists
after the initial 2 weeks of this Agreement, either party may cancel this agreement without
recourse other than full payment for the coaching services rendered to date. Termination
must be in writing and may be delivered by email. Pay for services is due and payable
witin 7 days of invoice date.
Mut ual NonDisclosure
The Coach and the Client mutually recogniz e that they may discuss future plans, business
affairs, financial information, personal information, job information, goals, and other private
matters. The Coach will not communicate the Client's information to any third party.
1) I agree to serve as your Coach - to partner with you to identify and achieve your
personal and/or professional goals. As your Coach, I cannot guarantee results but I will
support you ensure you are satisfied with my services.
2) I am a Coach, not a psychotherapist or physician, and I am not trained in diagnosing
psychological or medical conditions. If any issues come up for you that should be handled
by a licensed therapist or physician, I will request that you attend to your health by
contacting the appropriate professional.
3) As your Coach, I will bring attentive listening, understanding, belief in you and
commitment to your success. You can expect me to challenge you, offer fresh
perspectives, make requests (including assigning homework), acknowledge your wins, and
guarantee utmost confidentiality.
4) I am bound to abide by the IAC Et hical Principles and Code of Et hics, please
familiariz e yourself with them, they are found here:
1. As a Client, I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my physical, mental and
emotional wellbeingduring my coaching calls, including my choices and decisions. I am
aware that I can choose todiscontinue coaching at any time.
2. I am motivated and committed to taking action on my determined personal and
professional goals. I realiz e that anything less than my intentional full participation will not
lead to my success.
3. I understand that "coaching" is a Professional-Client relationship I have with my Coach
that is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal, professional or business
goals and to develop and carry out astrategy/plan for achieving those goals.
4. I understand that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve all areas of my
life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. I acknowledge
that deciding how to handle theseissues, incorporate coaching into those areas, and
implement my choices is exclusively my responsibility.
5. I understand that specific client information will be held as confidential unless I notify my
Coach, in writing, that it’s ok to share specific information.
6. I understand that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by
legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other qualified professionals. I understand that
all decisions in these areas areexclusively mine and I acknowledge that my decisions and
my actions regarding them are my sole responsibility.
7. I agree to pay within 7 days of invoice date. I agree that it is my responsibility that my
coach gets paid for the services I use.
8. I agree to honor my scheduled session times.
I have read and agree with the Coaching Guidelines and the Coaching Agreement
Client Consent :
I agree
Coach Agreement.pdf (PDF, 36.14 KB)
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