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samuel adams

sa 1 772@u n i versi ty. ed u
g i th u b. com /sa 72
281 . 330. 8004
Ci ty, ST


Master's CS student seeking a software development internship or co-op (preferably in
iOS/mobile development).


Big Ten University. City, ST.
M.S. Computer Science 2014 (expected).

GPA: 3.35/4.00

Ivy League University. Some Town, NE.
B.S. Biochemistry 2012.


Data Structures, Algorithms, Systems/Architecture, Mobile Development, Discrete
Structures, Databases, Object-Oriented Development, Linear Algebra, Differential

Technical Skills

C, Objective-C, Java, Python, SQL,
Xcode, iOS SDK, CocoaTouch, Git/Version Control, OOP, MVC ,
Eclipse, Emacs , gcc, gdb, Linux/Unix Command Line, Shell Scripting

Experience and

Untitled iOS Application.

• Currently developing an iOS 7 application that uses Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE/4.0)
to interface with a BT-compatible Arduino via iOS CoreBluetooth Framework
• Working on a supporting library to assist control-periperal data communication
• The user will be able to control Arduino pin output remotely through the iOS device
leading to a variety of potential applications (RC vehicles, monitoring sensors, home


• Developed an iOS application that plots geolocated Twitter data in real-time around
the user using CoreLocation and MapKit by interfacing with Twitter's Search API v1.1
and parsing returned JSON data
• The user can view real-time Tweets from any region of the world plotted on a map view,
as well as query other search parameters

Dynamic Memory Allocator.

• Developed a simulated dynamic memory allocator in C that implemented malloc(),
free(), realloc(), and calloc() from scratch
• Free blocks were stored in an explicit, doubly-linked list using a best-fit algorithm to
favor memory utilization over throughput

Multi-threaded Proxy Server.

• A barebones proxy server written in C capable of serving multiple simultaneous HTTP
requests. Semaphores were used for thread-safety

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