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17 Muharram 1435 / 22 November 2013

Issue 152


New Islamic Year

Halal Conference

Haleema Kindergarten Website

All praise be to Allah worthy of all
praise. The Creator of the universe,
Master of the Day, Lord of the
worlds. Allah - the first who has
no beginning, the last who has no
ending. Al Haiyy Al Qaiyoom. The
One who hears and knows, who
responds to the calls of the callers,
whether we call Him by Allah or
call Him by Al Rahman, to Him
belong the most Beautiful Names.
Jalla Jalalohu.

New Zealand is host to a major halal conference organised by FIANZ
in association with the Muslim
World League (MWL). It will be
held at Langham Hotel in Auckland
on Thursday 28 November 2013.

The Board of Trustees and staff of
Haleema Kindergarten would like to advise the community that the website is up
and running. Please visit it to find out up
to date information about the kindergarten,
including enrolment information for your
children. You can use the website to enrol
your child electronically, if you wish. The
address is:

Peace and salutations on prophet
Muhammad who was sent as a
mercy to mankind - tasleeman
katheeran katheera - and on his
family, companions, and all who
follow him.

“Behold! In the creation of the
heavens and the earth, and the
alteration of night and day, there are indeed Signs for
those of understanding.”
(Chapter 3, verse 190)
Every day that passes brings us
closer and closer to destiny, age
increases but life decreases. The
best tomorrow to look forward to
is one that will be lived for Allah
on the way of His prophet s.a.w.
May your today be better than yesterday, and your tomorrow better
than today.
O Allah grant us an akhira better
than our duniya.

In addition to the leaders of New
Zealand Muslim organisations and
government officials, there will also
be an entourage from the MWL,
including the Secretary General, His
Excellency Dr Abdullah Bin Abdel
Muhsin Al-Turki.
New Zealand is a major exporter of
halal meat and this symposium
serves to increase awareness as well
as facilitate discussion about key
issues to further improve the understanding of the halal concept and
Experts in their respective fields
will present papers on various aspects of halal trade, including the
Islamic teachings regarding halal
food consumption.
This will lead to increased
awareness and its importance, it
will also serve to highlight and
enhance New Zealand’s reputation and profile as an exporter
of halal foods in a growing
global market for halal products.
New Zealand was voted the
best halal supplier by The Halal
Journal in 2011.

Scouts Visit
Scouts from Redwood School in Tawa
visited the Wellington Islamic Centre on
Wednesday 13 November 2013.
The group came around 7pm and, having
observed the congregational prayers, left
after Maghrib. Sheikh Amir gave a presentation on Islam, answered questions, and
showed them around the masjid.
The Centre is always open to visitors,
whether they are students, members of the
public looking for answers to the important questions of life, or just plain curious.

IMAN Newsletter, Issue 152, p.2

Belief in the Last Day
In the previous sermon we talked
briefly about some articles of faith
and belief such as belief in Allah, in
His angels, in His books, and in His
messengers and prophets.
Among the articles of faith and belief is [also] iman bil yaumil akhir faith and belief in the Last Day or
Qeyamah. Every true [Muslim] believes that:




This world will come to an end
some day, as Qur’an states:
“Everyone upon the earth
will perish. And there will
remain the Face of your
Lord, Owner of Majesty and
Honour.” (55:26-27)
The dead will rise to stand for
their final and fair trial, as
Qur’an states: “That Day, the
people will depart separated
[into categories] to be shown
[the result of] their deeds. So
whoever does an atom’s
weight of good will see it. And
whoever does an atom’s
weight of evil will see it.”(99:6
Everything we do in this world,
every intention we have, every
move we make, every thought
we entertain, and every word
we say, all are counted and kept
in proper records as Qur’an
states: “And the record [of
deeds] will be placed [open],
and you will see the criminals
fearful of that within it, and
they will say, “Oh, woe to us!
What is this book that leaves
nothing small or great except
that it has enumerated it?”
and they will find what they
did present [before them].
And your Lord does injustice
to no one.” (18:49).
On the Day of judgment they
will be brought up, people with
good records will be generously rewarded and warmly

welcomed to the paradise,
and those with bad records
will be punished and thrown
into the Hell, as Qur’an
states: “Indeed, they who
disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and
the polytheists will be in
the fire of Hell, abiding
eternally therein. Those
are the worst of creatures.
Indeed, they who have believed and done righteous
deeds - those are the best
of creatures. Their reward
with Allah will be gardens
of perpetual residence beneath which rivers flow,
wherein they will abide
forever, Allah being
pleased with them and
they with Him. That is for
whoever has feared his
Lord.”(98 6-8).
In short, the Muslims believe that
there definitely will be compensation and reward for the good
deeds, and punishment for the
evil ones, that is the day of justice and final settlement of all
IbadAllah, the importance of belief in the Last Day can be realized and judged by many verses
of the Qur’an in which belief in
the Last Day has been mentioned
as equal value of belief in Almighty Allah, for example:
“...and provide its people with
fruits - whoever of them believes in Allah and the Last
Day...” (2:126)
“...That is instructed to whoever of you believes in Allah
and the Last Day...” (2:232)
“...And if you disagree over
anything, refer it to Allah and
the Messenger, if you should
believe in Allah and the Last

Day. That is the best [way] and best
in result.” (4:59)
“The mosques of Allah are only to be
maintained by those who believe in
Allah and the Last Day...” (9:18)
In these verses and many others, belief
in the Last Day has been mentioned besides the belief in Allah.
If a person believes in Allah and also
believes that he will face his Lord for
the account of his deeds and acts then he
has to follow all His commandments
and act according to His rules and regulations, and try his best to spend his
whole life under the guidelines provided
by his Lord.
[To have this belief means] his whole
life and all his time will be based on the
preparation of that meeting, and facing
of that trial, in other words he will follow all the recommendation and advice
to pass this exam.
As for the time or date of Qeyamah,
nobody knows the exact time. Only Almighty Allah knows it, but there are
some signs which have been mentioned
in our Islamic sources, may you remember that Hadith in which the prophet
s.a.w. has answered on the question
about the [time of the] day of judgement
saying: the person giving the answer
has no more knowledge than the person
asking the question.
.... ‫نفعنى هللا واياكم‬
(Shortened version of Khutbah of Sheikh
Khalid Kamal Abdul Hafiz, dated 28 June


Views expressed in this Newsletter are not
necessarily those of the Shura Council of IMAN.
For feedback please email to:

The International Muslim Association of New Zealand Inc.
7-11 Queens Drive, Kilbirnie, Wellington, Tel : (04) 387 4226 Fax (04) 387 4227 Email :

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