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December 2010
Vol. 2 No. 1

Inside This Issue

Message from the MD


Branch news & installations


Appointments & Promotions


Department Profile


Other interesting news/facts


News from HR & Label Division


Branch focus


Crossword competition


Christmas recipes


Birthdays, weddings, &
upcoming events

Branch focus in this issue:
Port Elizabeth

“We all still need to be
conscious that our individual
efficiency, or lack of, may
determine our future!”

Paul Smart (MD), Michael Stent (RD),
Kazuharu Teraoka, and Dave Smart (RD) at
the Digi World Meeting 2010 held at Bintan
Lagoon Resort, Indonesia, in October

Searching For
A New Balance

Message from the MD
Wow, to see the resurgence of a staff newsletter after 25 years, what a great sight! Well done
and thank you to Jacques and all concerned in its production.
I must say that I am privileged to have the first word in what I trust will be a continued source
of communications and good news medium to all our valuable staff!
This newsletter isn’t the only new and exciting development that has taken place recently.
There have been many changes and successes that have taken place over the last year or
so. Firstly, and most importantly our company’s service from all service and support
departments has improved to our valuable customers and these service levels need to
continue to increase. Thank you for your effort in this critical area.
Secondly, our company hasn’t been affected as much as other businesses have been during
these trying times brought on by the recessionary conditions in our Country. Although we all
still need to be conscious that our individual efficiency, or lack of, may determine our future!
Thirdly, and on a more positive sporting matter, I must credit all our staff for the patriotism,
enthusiasm and excitement shown by all during the successful hosting of the biggest event in
our countries history, the SWC2010! We have certainly shown that we all have what it takes as
a company and as a nation to organize and celebrate global events. We now look forward
to the Olympic Games sometime in our future.
Lastly, and as the year draws to a close, I would like to thank you all for the effort and hard
work that you have put in during 2010. I would also like to wish you all peace and traveling
mercies as you set out on your holidays and celebrate the end of a good year.
We now look forward to 2011!
Paul Smart



Branch News & Installations
Phew, what a busy year!!!
Our company has gone from strength to strength this past year! This is thanks to many of our
branches and sales people who have landed some pretty awesome new deals and
customers. We have highlighted some below:
Johannesburg Branch
Carlton Butchery 2 x AW4600CPR’s – Well done Daniel

Teraoka customer with
most retail scales –
F&V City Woodlands, PTA

Butcher Boys 1 x AW4600CPR – Well done Morne
Karan Beef label business – Well done Morne
Glen Acres Superspar 23 x SM500’s – Well done Sheldon
Port Elizabeth Branch
Rocklands Poultry label business – Well done Dave
Klein Karoo 1x LI700 – Well done Kevin
Rink Street Spar 1 x SM780BS well done Dave
Randburg Branch
Pick n’ Pay on Nicol “Innovation Store”, 21 x SM500’s and 4 x SM780’s– Well done Mike & Jim
Dicla Farms 1 x AW4600CPR – Well done Bevan

F&V City is getting a taste of Digi… sites installed include Tyger Valley (Cape Town), and
Woodlands Boulevard (Pretoria), with 29 x SM100’s & 23 x DS782’s installed in the latter!


Self-Service scale

Supreme Poultry - we received an order for 185 units of stainless steel check-weigh scales to
be installed at their 3 factories. We also secured an order of an inline weigh price labeling
system, not to mention getting all the label business!
QK Meats ordered a HI700 high speed inline weigh-price labeling system with many to follow.
Watch this space!
Clover Lichtenberg ordered a 2nd Anritsu inline check-weigh system!
Spiff Chicken ordered there first Anritsu check-weigh system!
DI-760’s (literally) taking off!!
10 units at BidAir combined with our own software and linked to Teraoka NP710 printers. These
units are used by SAA at O.R. Thambo Airport!
7 units at Rossgro Chickens
2 units at Rainbow Farms Hammersdale
4 units for Rainbow Sasolburg


Industrial PC/Scale Console

1 unit for Tropical Mushrooms
1 unit being tested by County Fair, with many to follow!



New Appointments & promotions
We wish to extend a warm welcome to new members of the Teraoka family,
and also congratulate the following staff on their promotions and qualifications:
Pieter Pretorius promoted to Durban branch manager (Also took service
manager “000” award, 3 times in a row!)
Renette Taylor recently took over from Anita Lloyd in the HR department
Donovan Lawrence promoted to Cape Town South service manager
Peter Senekal promoted to White River service manager
Ruan Venter promoted to Polokwane service manager
Eustone Malaya recently appointed to take over from Pieter in software
Tanya Herman recently appointed at East London

Qualified as VO end September

Mari Senekal recently appointed at Polokwane
Ndaba Masangane promoted to a more senior position in the warehouse
We also hereby wish to congratulate all appies that recently passed their VO
exams – WELL DONE!!!

Department Profile: Stores & Board repairs
National Stores and Board Repairs both play a vital role in ensuring that the
branches receive their needed stock and spares in a timely manner, and it is critical
that they work hand-in-hand to achieve their goals.
Throughout 2010 national stores have streamlined and tightened their procedures
and are running much more efficiently, receiving stock from abroad and
dispatching it to our 10 branches like clockwork. Board Repairs have also recently
dusted themselves off with a spring clean, and have acquired a PC to facilitate
communication between overseas suppliers and manufacturers, as well as with
stores and branches.
The guys at stores also had their work cut out for them in September, when they
received a record single shipment from China consisting of three 40ft containers,
with a total of 1910 scales. Yet another record was broken on the 24th of November
when 100 x SM500 units were dispatched in a single day!

Owen, Patrick, and Sheldon at Board Repairs

Well done to both these departments for staying on top of their game and keeping
the branches rolling.
Jacques Scholtz.

Year-end function:
Best Dressed
Congratulations to Paul Bereschaut from
label division, winner of the prize for the best
dressed at the Teraoka year-end function,
held at head office on Saturday the 4th of

Above: Neil and Ndaba, National Stores,
doing their best to look busy
Left: Best dressed! Paul Bereschaut and his wife
Bev at the Teraoka year-end function



Other Interesting News

News from Label Division

Annual NRCS Audits completed

Teraoka’s manufacturing division in 2010

All ten of our branches have completed their annual NRCS audits, with four

With the printing industry, in general,
experiencing down trends in volumes and
turnovers in 2010, Teraoka S.A Label division did
a number of things to continue our drive for
increased market share in the thermal pressure
sensitive market.

of them ending with 0 non-conformances! The assessors, as well as monitors
that oversaw the auditing process at some branches, complimented us,
noting on more than one occasion that Teraoka is ‘at the top’ with regards
to the standard of and implementation of the quality system. Assessors










implementation thereof rank highest compared to all other assessments
that were done at various other companies. Well done to all involved!!!
ICASA Approval for wireless bridges
We recently obtained ICASA approval for our AP2001G Client Bridges. Well
done to Riaan and the software team!

In mid 2010 we were informed that we needed
to be part of the Woolworths A-list of suppliers if
we were to grow our supply to them and their
packaging suppliers. In order to become an Alist supplier we would need to endure a three
day audit by Woolworths. Label divisions worked
long hours on this task and were successful in our
attempt, with Woolworths approving our status
as an official supplier, end of September 2010.

Head Office Indoor Soccer event

Our capital expenditure for the year included
the very latest in the way of printing equipment.
On 23 September this year, a soccer tournament was held in the headOur Mark Andy 2200, from the states, was
office warehouse. Branches divided into teams, as did label division and
commissioned in October 2010. This is a 6 colour
head office. After battling it out for hours, late that Thursday evening
in line UV press which will take us forward into
markets we have not been able to tap into in
Mshini-Wami from label division stepped out as the winning team, and
past. Apart from allowing us to print full
Shakes, also from label division, walking with his chin in the air after being
colour high quality labels, this printing press can
named man of the tournament.
laminate and do reverse printing at speeds
exceeding 150 m/min. We have thus been able
Paul Smart with the to approach bigger customers who require
two teams that made higher quality promotional and thermal labels.
the final.

News from Human Resources
Hi All,

August 2010 saw us drop pricing to the market.
We experienced a record November and for the
first time in the history of the Label Division we
Winning team: Mshini produced more than 1 000 000 square meters of
thermal paper. To put it into prospective that is
2 000 000 running meters (2000 km) of paper or
150 Rugby fields. This paper rolled out would run
from Johannesburg to Cape Town and around
to George. We have thus experienced an 18 %
increase in volume against November 2009. Well
done to everyone on this achievement!

I started at Teraoka SA Pty Ltd in September 2010 and want to thank all of you for
making me feel Welcome.
As HR Generalist I have a open door policy and would like to welcome any staff
member or manager with any Queries or problem to come and see me for
advice and/or assistance.
Lastly I would like to wish each and everyone at Teraoka SA a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
Renette Taylor

Smart Camp 2010

Right: Kids having fun
at Smart Camp

Many staff may not know, but every year Teraoka sponsors an initiative called
“Smart Camp”!
“Smart Camp” is a camp arranged by SANCA for kids from the ages 8 - 18 years that
come from households where there is abuse and/or addiction. The camp lasts for a
full week and the kids get to enjoy many fun activities outdoors and get to do what
kids should be doing! However, the main reason for the camp is to show these
anxious and insecure kids that their lives have meaning and that life has much more
in store for them.
So this festive season try and remember that there are people less fortunate than
you and that “it is more blessed to give than to receive”!

Going forward, 2011 is looking positive for growth
with a number of bigger customers in the
pipeline. With one of the two major laminators in
South Africa already confirming price increases
for January 2011, growth will be top of Teraoka’s
Craig Peters




Branch focus: Q & A with Port Elizabeth

Emile, pop quiz hot shot: It’s your mom’s birthday, and you deliver labels at Jan’s
Butchery on your way to the party after work. You get there, and the only scale’s
thermal head just exploded. Jan requests that you stay and draw the barcodes on
each label… what do you do?
Don’t worry Jan, Teraoka has given me an emergency spares kit and I can replace the
head right here right now. By the way Jan, what are you paying for labels, because
the next time this happens we could have a lovely guarantee in place, would you like
to join us for a party? Conclusion = 1 x happy customer 1 x new label customer, and 1
x great party afterwards.
Conrad, I once heard that you told your shrink that you have dreams where you are a
ring master in a circus, and that none of the animals would listen to you, while a girl in
the audience, Jessica, kept on screaming at you for wasting her time and money.
Does this actually correlate to your life in any way?
Ok, so in the dream I took the shrinks advice and I traded the snake for an elephant,
the donkey for a horse, the cat for a tiger, the fish for a giraffe and the mouse, for a
monkey. I then had the animals that belong in a circus and they all did exactly what
they had to do, and we worked as a team. Jessica attended every show bringing with
her all of her friends and stopped screaming.
It all worked out at the end, so maybe it does correlate to my life as I think my dream
came true. Sometimes we just forget to weigh the animals in before the show.

Above: The PE branch, as seen from Vossie’s parole
officer’s stakeout vehicle

David, describe walking into your branch in the morning, in about three sentences, as if you were on mind-bending antibiotics?
It’s Monday morning, I walk into the office and trip over a box of PIC100, I say good morning to Uritiah, instead of a reply she grunts and rolls her
eyes, I now realize that Monday has shown it’s face, I walk into the workshop and see Emile facing me, but his face is completely covered in hair,
he turns around and realizes that his shirt is on back to front, the rest of the guys are all walking around the workshop like it was a scene out of
“night of the living dead”, I stop for a second and think, and it suddenly occurs to me…. Wait, I never took my anti-biotic pills this morning, and
come to the conclusion that it is just another normal working day.
Urithia, How are you coping being the only lady sharing the office with these five outstanding gentleman?
s not easy because I share more than just the office. I share almost all my stationary e.g. stapler, calculator, scissors, ruler, tippex, my pc, and
then some personal items such as my lighter, cigarettes and lunch. The only thing they share with me is the wonderful smells after they have
invaded both the loo’s after they'
ve been out the night before.
Ruan, the fridge in the workshop - describe what is in it, and hold back any swear words.
When I looked inside the fridge, I decided to look at the expiry date of all of the items, the cheese, milk, sterri stumpy, butter, and a tin of tuna, all
expired between 2006 and 2007, but when I picked up the case of beers, it was ice cold and it only expires in 2013. it’s our fridge and we love it!
Jaco, in short, tell us about one of your craziest or funniest experiences as a tech.
Driving 300 km to switch a scale on!!!!!!!!!!!!
Petri, George girls or PE girls, and why?
I have actually met a lot of girls that have moved to George from P.E, so I have the best of both worlds.
Vossie, tell us one of your famous short jokes:
Wat se die een 1 vir die ander 1 toe hulle n 7 van vooraf sien aankom? “Check daai ou se kuif!”
Last word from PE branch manager David Brodley: On a more serious note, I started at this branch in August 2009, and was introduced to the
Teraoka team of Port Elizabeth. 20 months have past and I can honestly say that we have a great team, and a very passionate and enthusiastic
one at that. I look forward to spending more time with each and every one of them in the coming year, and forecast an exciting and rewarding
2011, keeping the DIGI no 1 brand at large. On that note I would like to extend thank you’s to head office and label division for their outstanding
support. I would also like to wish one of our previous employees of late, Reghardt Vosloo, all the very best of success in East London. And to all
Directors, management, staff and your loved ones we wish you a blessed Christmas and prosperous new year!
Below: Emile never fully recovered, but preaches
the goodness of dougnuts to everyone he meets.
FLTR: Emile, Conrad, Vossie, Dave.

Early in his life Emile was diagnosed with
Icecreamconaphobia, which could
only be treated with dougnuts.

Below: PE branch’s stand at the Spar Trade Show



Digi Crossword
Complete this puzzle and win an authentic autographed picture of Craig Peters from
Label Division, as well as an entry into the draw for a case of Hansa/Castle/Black Label.
And no, you may not trade the entry into the draw for another autographed picture.









3. Name of a regional director
4. One of the departments focused on
in issue
8. Number of 40ft containers received
in one day
10. Winning soccer team

1. The guy dishing out doughnuts in PE
2. Branch in the middle of the country
5. Country where Digiworld meeting was held
6. PE Branch manager
7. One word to describe the Tera-X-mas cake
9. Recently appointed at Polokwane

Someinteresting facts bout Craig:

Born 20 Jan 1975 in Johannesburg
Matriculated from The Hill in 1992.
Army Parabats Cor. in 1993, stationed 6
months Potch & 6 months Bloemfontein
Joined Teraoka in August 1995 (which is
why I am not really noticed any more as I
look like the furniture)
Married in 2000 to Belinda
Have two daughters: Jody Leigh who is 7
and Jessica Eryn who is 3

Above: As a kid, Craig was always
Left: The famous Craig Peters

calm and collected, and loved
playing cowboys and Indians.



Christmas recipes
Tera-Easy-Peasy Christmas cake
(Can be baked at the last minute with the least amount of effort – does not contain
butter, eggs or milk, but rather sherry or rum, which is obviously the better choice)
Mixed fruit (Sultanas, Currants, Raisins) 675g (1 ½ lb)
Water 450 ml (¾ pt)
Oil 150 ml (1/4 pt)
Whole-meal self-raising flour 350g (12 oz)
Blanched almonds, chopped 50g (2 oz)
Molasses 15ml (1 tbsp)
Grated rind of 1 lemon
Ground mixed spice 10 ml (2 tsp)
Raw brown sugar 75g (3 oz)
Sherry or Rum (optional) 45ml (3 Tbsp)

Your finished product should not look like this
Grease and line a 7 ½” (19cm) round cake tin.
Place all the ingredients, except the sherry, in a basin and beat well until evenly mixed.
Pour into the prepared tin and bake in the oven at 150°C (300°F/Mark 2) for about 2 hours, until risen and firm to
the touch.
Allow to cool slightly in the tin, then spoon the sherry over the cake and leave in the tin until completely cold.
Christmas Cocktails & Shooters

Eggnog ice cream with Cherries and Hot Cherry Sauce

Christmas Pudding


Method :

30ml Drambuie

Yields : 4 large glasses

1) Separate your eggs

150ml Guiness

Ingredients :

30ml Southern Comfort

3 large Eggs

2) Whisk the yolks slowly and
add sugar until pale yellow in

Combine ingredients and serve in a red wine glass.

187 g Sugar

Ginger Snap

132 ml Brandy (Klipdrift)

60ml Advocaat liqueur

62 ml Rum (Red Hart)

3) Add brandy, rum and milk
and 1 cup of the cream to the
above mixture slowly

90ml good quality ginger ale

2 cup Full Cream Milk

4) Set aside until service

Mix Advocaat & ginger ale in a highball glass filed with ice.

2 cup Cream

Garnish with a stemmed maraschino cherry.

62 ml Icing Sugar

5) On service whisk egg whites
until firm and fold into eggnog

Christmas Sour (makes two servings)

10 ml Nutmeg – or to taste

6) Whip the remaining of the
cream and flavour with
spices. Add this to your
eggnog before serving

30ml sweet vermouth

10 ml Cinnamon – or to taste

90ml scotch

10 ml Mixed Spice – or to taste

60ml cherry brandy

Ice cream

1 egg white
1 ounce fresh lemon juice

7) Take the left over eggnog mixture and place into a freezer.
Whisk every 45 minutes until frozen to allow for a light and fluffy
textured ice cream.

Mix ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake well.

Hot Cherry Sauce

Strain over ice in highball glasses.

Yields 4 portions

Candy Cane Martini

1 tin Black cherries with syrup

45ml vanilla vodka

30 ml White Sugar

15ml peppermint schnapps

Method :

30ml soda water

1) Separate the cherries from the liquid by straining

Garnish with crushed candy canes.

2) Heat the liquid with the sugar amount, stirring continuously, and
reduce by half
3) Add black cherries and heat up
1) Roll ice cream balls of the egg-nog ice cream
2) Top with the hot cherry sauce and black cherries

Eggnog Ice cream
with cherry sauce.



Birthdays, upcoming events, and new additions to families












We hope you enjoyed this kickoff edition of
Teraoka Times vol2. We are aiming to
distribute on a quarterly basis, so please jot
down (or photograph!) any interesting
happenings at your branch or in your
department during the following three
months, and we will be sure to add them to
the following issue.
I would also like to extend thanks for this
opportunity to flex my creative muscles.
Warm festive season wishes to all!

TIMES newsletter
Editorial office

J. Scholtz
Teraoka Head Office,
Unit 4, City Deep Industrial Park,
Fortune Street, Johannesburg
+2711 613-4291

Christmas wishes…
s wishing you all the joys of the
season, and a Merry Christmas to
you and your family!

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