Compliance Monthly October2010 (PDF)

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Compliance Monthly
October 2010

In This Issue


C & E Logs


Legislative Review

Recruiting Calendar

Useful Links
Big Sky
Eligibility Center

Volume 2, Number 1

Welcome to Compliance Monthly!
Welcome to the fall of 2010, all of the fall sports are already in full swing with
several teams already into conference play. Soccer and volleyball have already
started their conference slates, cross country just had a successful trip to prenationals and football had its first home game since September 2nd. And as of last
week both men’s and women’s basketball are now in their 20-hour weeks.
As you all know, Jaynee Nadolski from the Conference office was on campus last
month to perform a compliance review. One of her recommendations was to
distribute this newsletter to more people across campus; in the past this newsletter
has only gone out to coaches. All of you do a great job of helping the athletic
department run smoothly all year round. If any of you have recommendation for
content or important dates that you would like highlighted in the newsletter, please
let Scott Renfro know and we will work on getting your information out.

C & E Logs/ Phone Log Reminders

Last week at the Head Coaches meeting, an announcement was made that all
coaching staff’s should get their contact and evaluation logs in order over the next
month. In addition to the C & E Logs, all coaches should prepare their phone logs for
review within the next month. If you have not yet received that message, please
take the time to get those logs in order; the compliance office will be reviewing
those logs from ALL TEAMS at some point before the end of the semester.
Another point of emphasis that Jaynee from the conference has pointed out is that
ALL unofficial visits need to be recorded on the C & E logs, even if it is an unplanned
visit where a PSA stops by your office unannounced. These visits do not need to
count as contacts, since all contact would remain on campus, but these visits do
need to be listed and recorded properly.

2010- 2011 SAOF Form
The compliance office now has copies of the 2010 – 2011 Student-Athlete
Opportunity Fund request form available. This is the form that students can fill out
if they need financial assistance with academic supplies, money for warm clothes,
medical/ dental bills or transportation home. Forms need to be filled out and
submitted to the compliance office by Monday December 13th for review by the
committee. Checks will be ready for distribution by the first week of second


Legislative Review….
October 22nd
Mid-Term Progress Reports due
back to Academics

October 29th
Last Day to Drop with a “W”

November 3rd
Early Enrollment Period BeginsSee Pam or Diana for details

October Meetings:
All Staff Meeting
October 20th 10:00AM
DuBois Center- Freemont Room

Contact Compliance:

This month is just a basic refresher course for everyone: Electronic Transmissions: Just a friendly reminder that text messages or
Instant Message to recruits (or their parents/guardians) are not permitted prior to
their signing an NLI or if they sign outside of an NLI period, prior to their paying the
Enrollment Deposit. Prior to those times, email and fax are the only permissible
forms of electronic communication.
13.6.3 Requirements for Official Visits: Please remember that prior to making any
arrangements for an official visit, the visit needs to be approved through the
compliance office. For a visit to be approved, compliance/academics needs an
official visit request form and copies of HS (or Junior College) transcripts, proof of a
valid ACT/SAT score and the student needs to be registered with the NCAA Eligibility
Center and added to our schools Eligibility Center page (Institutional Request List).
15.2.7 Student-Athlete Employment: A reminder that there are student-athlete
employment forms available in the copy room. Any student-athlete who is
employed either on-campus, off-campus or employed by a private individual must
fill out an employment form and return to the compliance office. We encourage our
students to work, but we do need to remind them that they need to fill out an
employment form whether they are working in the dining hall or babysitting for
their neighbors.
Chapter 17 Travel Issues: A few quick reminders on travel issues; for team travel
you cannot depart more than 48 hours prior to your scheduled game/match/race,
students must be eligible to compete in order to travel with the team, we cannot
provide lodging or travel expenses for family or friends, we cannot pay for additional
rooming expenses such as long distance phone calls, room service or pay-per-view
movies. We can provide some additional entertainment expenses if you are
traveling during a vacation period such as winter break or spring break.

Scott Renfro

Important Dates

Assistant AD- Compliance


October 2010 Recruiting Periods
Fall Evaluation Period: Designated Eval Days

Men’s Basketball

October 1st – 5th Contact Period
October 6th – 31st Evaluation Period

Women’s Basketball

October 1st – 6th Contact Period
October 7th – 31st Evaluation Period

Women’s Volleyball

October 1st – 31st Contact Period

Cross Country/ Track &

October 1st – 31st Contact Period


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