scammer revenge (PDF)

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Author: Danielle Cruz

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frank jordan Have send the payment,Check out your PayPal mail box cruzalicious  
Aug 15 (2 days ago)
D.S. Cruz to frank
when I log into my paypal account, the balance is zero - I don't understand?
please advise, I am excited to receive my money! I am going to buy a pony!!
show details Aug 15 (1 day ago)
frank jordan to me

show details Aug 16
(1 day ago)

Yes it because the transaction is still on pending once you make the
shipment and get back the tracking number your PayPal account will be
credited okay so get back to me once you have gotten it sent off, and please hurry
frank jordan to me

show details Aug 16
(1 day ago)

Hello have you gotten it sent out?
D.S. Cruz to frank
Not yet, no. I was watching my favorite soap opera, “All My Children” and it was so sad it made me cry!
I cried my eyes out for hours and couldn’t go to the post office because I was afraid people would
think I was crazy! I will send it out later, as long as I don’t watch “One Life to Live” – that makes me cry more!
frank jordan to me
Hello pleasse hurry and do not watch any more soap opera until it got sent out, please thank you kindly.
Send me the tracking number once it got sent. Wait until then to watch things to make cry.
D.S. Cruz to frank

show details 2:27 PM (22 hours ago)

Okay, I'm at the post office So I'm sending it to
Dr. Frasier Crane
Block 13 Flat 5
The Top Tower
Seattle, Washington
Lagos, Nigeria 23401
Right? I want to make sure I get the label right. Thanks.
frank jordan to me show details
No that is wrong not Dr Frasier Crane, please kindly send it to
Segun Omonusi not Frank Jordan or Dr Frasier Crane okay?
Block 13 Flat 5
Jakande Estate, Isolo
Lagos, Nigeria 23401

3:16 PM (22 hours ago)

D.S. Cruz to frank

show details 3:46 PM (21 hours ago)

But I don’t know Segun Omonusi? My mother told me not to talk to strangers, and I think that also
means not to send MacBook Pros to strangers either. Can you imagine how mad he would be if
he got a computer he did not order! I do not want to make Mr. Omonusi mad at him if we haven’t
even met!
frank jordan to me

show details 3:57 PM (21 hours ago)

he will not be mad at all, i am the one paying for it don't you read my previous mail that i
want it sent outta the state so that my cousin name that will be
receiving the package okay so kindly get back to me once you are
through with the shipment
D.S. Cruz to frank

show details 4:12 PM (20 hours ago)

the shipping to Nigeria is almost $200 – oh my that's very expensive! Your family must be very
rich to study abroad in expensive countries! Maybe it would be better if you just bought a plane
ticket to bring him the laptop – I could help you get a great deal. If you buy a plane ticket through
my Gilt Escapes link, we could both save a lot of money!
Or maybe we can send it a cheaper method – International Express like you asked costs a lot.
Tell your nephew not to be greedy and be patient. Should I send it regular mail for $60, or do you
want my Gilt Escapes link?
frank jordan to me

show details 4:17 PM (20 hours ago)

no I don’t want your gilt plane ticket. Please just send the laptop today and make sure you get
tracking number to give to me. this is not hard to do please just get tracking number TODAY,, my
nephew needs this laptop right away and I promis to send right away,,thankyou
frank jordan to me

show details 5:00 PM (20 hours ago)

Hello, Are you there what is wrong with the shipment kindly get back
to me as soon as possible.
frank jordan to me

show details 5:40 PM (20 hours ago)

have you gone to post office yet,,why is taking so long?
D.S. Cruz to frank

show details 10:50 AM (2 hours ago)

I wish my uncle would buy me a laptop and send it to me from another country. I hate my uncle,
he drinks, smokes, and says shit a lot. Once he tried to put a cigarette out on my arm, and I told
my father about it, then he kicked my uncle out of our BBQ.
frank jordan to me

show details 10:55 AM (2 hours ago)

please just give me tracking info!!! I need this laptopt to sent today!!
D.S. Cruz to frank

show details 10:55 AM (2 hours ago)

That’s not very nice – here I am, bearing my soul to a nice man I met on craigslist who is paying
me even more money than I asked for my laptop – and he doesn’t even care that I probably have
emotional scars from my horrible family. Anyway, I mailed the laptop out today!!

frank jordan to me

show details 10:57 AM (2 hours ago)

Okay so what is the confirmation number?
D.S. Cruz to frank

show details 10:59 AM (2 hours ago)

I tried to enter it in Paypal, but I couldn't find a place to put it
so they would release my money.
I wonder if I should call them?
frank jordan to me  


show details 10:59 AM (2 hours ago)

No you don’t need to call them at all Okay just click reply on the confirmation mail sent to you and
lay down the tracking number there once that is done your paypal account
will be credited or you can send it to me i can forward it to paypal okay
Thank you...
D.S. Cruz to frank

show details 11:00 AM (2 hours ago)

No that’s okay, I’ve troubled you enough with my stories you don’t want to hear! I will just figure it
out with Paypal directly. Thanks and tell your nephew that the stain on the keyboard isn’t what he
thinks it is. Thanks!!
frank jordan to me

show details 11:01 AM (1 hour ago)

Okay....Just cliq reply on the mail okay so kindly let me know once
you have done that
Thank you..
frank jordan to me

show details 11:19 AM (1 hour ago)

So now what is the progress?
D.S. Cruz to frank

show details 11:20 AM (1 hour ago)

I sent it, and now I’m very busy preparing for my American Idol audition. Thank you.
frank jordan to me

show details 11:24 AM (1 hour ago)

Okay so do you click reply on the confirmation mail sent to you to put
the tracking number or what?...


D.S. Cruz to frank  


show details 11:26 AM (1 hour ago)

yes, I sent it. maybe they don't update their customers right away,
I'm sure they received it. I said I’m trying to practice for my audition and you keep interrupting me!
If I don’t get picked, I will be very angry.

frank jordan to me

show details 11:29 AM (1 hour ago)

please do American idol after you give me the confirmation number maybe i should forward it to
them so they can process in crediting ur PayPal account because i will
soon be leaving and i don't know when i will get chance to come to the
computer i wait for ur response now..


D.S. Cruz to frank  

show details 11:31 AM (1 hour ago)

That's okay, no need to trouble yourself, I can handle it. I'm sure
they'll take care of it shortly. Sometimes American employees spend a lot of time on facebook
and twitter and don’t do there jobs. I’m sure once they finish farming their crops on Farmville, they
will send the information!


frank jordan to me  



show details 11:40 AM (1 hour ago)
frank is not available to chat


frank jordan to me  

show details 11:43 AM (1 hour ago)


But i haven't hard any thing from PayPal about the shipment.


D.S. Cruz to frank  

show details 11:47 AM (1 hour ago)

Yeah, I haven't heard anything from Paypal about my money either. I
guess we just have to be patient while they farm.


frank jordan to me  

show details 11:50 AM (1 hour ago)

Yes i know but maybe the mail you sent was not delivered maybe you
should resend again i guess
frank jordan to me

(23 minutes ago)

What is the progress now have you resend it yet?


D.S. Cruz to frank  

show details 12:38 PM (22 minutes ago)

Yes, I have. What song do you like better, “Baby Got Back,” or “OPP”?
frank jordan to me

show details 12:40 PM (20 minutes ago)

They said they never receive anything let do this quickly let me send
it to them and i will get back to you with anything they said i think
that will be the best option.
D.S. Cruz to frank

show details 12:50 PM (10 minutes ago)

I will call them and see what they say. Thanks for your concern. So what about the song?

frank jordan to me

show details 12:53 PM (6 minutes ago)

This is not a something that is very hard just click reply on the mail
sent to you then you provide them the tracking number why is this so
hard for you to do?
D.S. Cruz to frank

show details 12:57 PM (3 minutes ago)

Why are you so angry, sir? It's not my fault Paypal is being slow. Anyway, time to watch “All My
Children” again!

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